Monday, June 1, 2009

Garden and Yard

So when we bought this place no one had lived in it for like 9 months or something like that, so there was a lot of work to do on the yard! With the help of the fam (thanks Dad, Mom, Dave and Nellie!!!) we got it looking pretty decent. Here is a pic of our garden (nothing spectacular, but hopefully is functional!) and the front yard with the flowers that I have planted (the middle picture has the Columbine and the Bleeding Heart in the back and the bottom picture is the new pavers I put in and my Lilies and Gladiolas). We had to put a little fence up in front of the garden to keep Zoe out (she is too young to use the electric fence), and there was 30 feet of extra soaker hose.... But all in all I think it looks pretty good! We are still trying to repair the side yard and part of the backyard from the flooding issues that we have been having. We are getting some fill dirt delivered soon so hopefully that will help! Anyways there is still a lot to do, but it is looking a TON better! :)


  1. Everything looks great! Zoe and Rilee are so cute and fun. I love all the pics.

  2. Hey--your veggies plants look big and healthy! Did the flowers out front survive all the rain storms? I'm glad you love to garden, you two. Good job!
